Sunday, September 14, 2014

Off to the races....

And on the first day of blogging, Wally said "Let there be two posts", and it was so.

I have been reading a good deal of essays  recently, several in Esquire, and have ran across numerous with titles like:

"How To Be a Man"
"75 Ways To Be a Better Man"
"75 Men To Emulate"

And I love these type articles. I really enjoy self improvement. But, they seem to put the concept of "manhood" in too much of a box. I have learned most of what I know of adulthood and the art of being a man by trial and error. I am going to put out some axioms that I have cobbled together on the subject of manhood. This is not all inclusive, obviously, but some of my thoughts on the subject.

And after this list, I will give my #1 can't miss most important aspect of manhood.

Have opinions on and be able to converse about these three things: Sports, Cars and History.

Learn the basic dynamics of economics. The stock market, inflation, interest. 

And politics. Be able to defend your personal political belief system in a coherent, non confrontational way.

Have 2-3 go to stories. Shenanigan stories from when you were 18-22, when you met Willie Nelson at a Huddle House at 3 in the morning...add in all the excitement and flair you and your listeners can stand. At parties, your friends will inevitably say "Hey, tell _____ about the time you _____" .

Also at least one joke. Not an overused joke, preferably one you can add a personal spin on.

And one magic/card trick.

Be able to instantly tell someone your favorites. Favorite book, album, movie, team, drink. Be decisive.

Have a passion. Music, golf, cooking, travel. 

In regards to women, there are really only two roads: love someone completely or never settle down. There is really no right/wrong when it comes to this. And sometimes when you think you are a "never settle down" type...bam. Love. 

But there is one hard and fast rule when it comes to manhood. Know and be yourself. Don't let anyone define you or what it means to be "a man". Men are meant to make their own way. Have your own set of ideals and know what works for you. 

The beginning of the end of the beginning

So....writing. I love writing. I have always loved writing. There is power in writing, in taking words and thoughts and ideas in your brain and putting them on paper (or, in this case, on screen). 

This is known, throughout the course of human existence.

I have, to put it bluntly and mildly, failed myself when it comes to writing. I will get started on a writing project, be it a blog or a short story or the beginning to my "great American novel" and, the next thing I lays dormant. Somewhere it gets lost in translating from my mind to a more lasting medium (such as the internet). 

And so, now....this. An attempt by me to get into a habit of writing. I have told myself that this is it, my last go 'round. That if I cannot stick with writing and find time for it now that I never will. That it will be something cast to the wayside.

Thus, without much ado,.....this blog. The last bastion of hope for the set of stories and some incoherent ramblings trapped in my mind to be freed.